God has a sense of humor. When I reach a low point in my life, He always seems to find a way to tell me that I take things too seriously. My favorite memory of His doing this was during one of the worst arguments I had ever had with my husband. During the peak of the argument, my dog was walking at the foot of the bed, she farted really loud and scared herself so bad that she ran away from the fart and fell off the bed. Although my husband and I were really emotional and angry, we stopped arguing and had to start laughing. I don’t know if God gave my dog farts or not, but what I do know is that we aren’t that important. We are little blips in the whole span of the universe and sometimes when life gets too serious, the universe reminds us of that fact.
It happened to me again today. I have a lot to do at work and I should be working right now, but I can’t because my internet is out. When it happened, I lost it and had an OCD meltdown. It happens. I just wanted to hit something to get my anger and frustration out. I went out to the backyard and found a rake. I started to hit the ground with the rake since I couldn’t find anything else. The problem was that after the third hit, I pulled back and the top of the rake disappeared. I was just holding a pole. I had no idea where the head of the rake went. My husband came out and when he saw, he couldn’t help but laugh. We eventually found the head of the rake stuck in the ground. However, the whole situation shows God’s sense of humor. Yes, my job is important, but in the grand scheme of things, the world will not stop turning if I can’t get my work done.
It’s a problem I have from growing up in an abusive house. My mother always made it seem like everything was 100% right or 100% wrong. There were never any in betweens. Either I got my life right or I would completely destroy it. It put so much pressure on me. No wonder I suffered from anxiety, OCD, and now PTSD. And yet, God, the universe, or whatever else you want to call it has a way of showing me that things aren’t black and white. My life isn’t the way that my mother taught me it was. And most importantly, it’s okay to have a sense of humor about it all.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.