Today as my husband and I were leaving the grocery store, there was a guy driving very erratically. My husband had a few choice words for him. As we drove away, I gave my husband a look and he told me given the way that the guy was driving “he deserved whatever I called him.”
I said, ‘Deserves got nothing to do with it.”
As I spoke, I realized there’s so much truth to that. If God actually gave us what we deserved, we would all be living in Dante’s Hell. None of us are sinless. Each and every one of us at one time or another has harbored ill will and bad intentions in our hearts. None of us are perfect. Deserve really does have nothing to do with it. God doesn’t love us because we deserve it. God loves us because we belong to Him. We are His creation, and He wants the best for us whether we deserve it or not.
The point of this story is as I go through my life, I am going to encounter lots of people who don’t deserve my love and respect. They will deserve my frustration and anger. Yet deserves got nothing to do with it. I will need to look deep inside myself to find the light of God within and try to love my brothers and sisters in Christ not because they deserve it, but because they have the light of God within them as well.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.