Small but Meaningful

Today is All Saint’s Day. It’s also Dia De Los Muertos or the Day of the Dead.  I’ve never really wondered about honoring the dead.  I thought that it made sense to honor our family, but this year, my mother died, and I have been contemplating philosophy and religion more than I had in the past.  I realize that the Day of the Dead is much more than I ever imagine. 

My life may be small, a tiny blip in the whole history of the universe.  The events of my life might seem silly and stupid in comparison to world events taking place or even the world changing events in history, but my life and the life of every person that has ever lived is important and meaningful.   

In the beginning, God created life.  I don’t know how life started and I don’t think anyone really knows, but from that life came the rest of us.  We can’t create life.  With all of our technology and gene studies, we might be able to do amazing things, but we can’t create life without using a living cell to start with.  I came from the life of my mother and father as they came from the lives of their parents.  All of us came from the lives of our parents.  We are all connected to each other because we all came from that same life source that God created in the beginning.   I am part of that chain, everyone who has ever lived is part of that chain, everyone alive today is part of that chain, and everyone who will ever live will become part of that chain of life.  All of our lives are important because we make up that universal human life chain that God started when He created life.  So, while my individual life might be just a small link in a chain, that huge chain is a miracle, one of God’s greatest.  So, today I should take the time to honor everyone who has come before me and been a part of that life source that makes my life meaningful.  That life source that makes all of us meaningful.  Today, I say a prayer of thanksgiving for all my brothers and sisters in Christ who have passed.  They are all a part of what makes me who I am and they are all a part of God’s love.   

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.