Today is Halloween. Many people feel like it is a day when the veil between the spiritual world and the physical world is thinner and can be crossed. I understand that way of understanding it, but it doesn’t make sense that on one particular day of the year things would change. As I have been reading about philosophy and religion, I have come to understand that there isn’t a veil at all anyway.
The mind, the spirit, and the body all exist together. There isn’t something that holds the spiritual away from us until October 31st each year. The spiritual is all around us. We only need to have faith enough to understand and experience it.
The other part of the spiritual is that people usually associate it with being scary. I think it is only scary because we don’t understand it. We don’t know what happens when we die. We don’t know what parts of us exist when the body and the mind die. We are afraid of the unknown. Yet, part of faith is about knowing the unknowable. God exists in a way that I can’t understand. He has a plan for me that I will probably never know. He loves me in a way that I can only try to begin to understand. And yet, I surrender my entire life to this unknown because I know this Deity exists. I don’t know how, and I can’t prove it, but deep inside of me, I know the unknowable. It’s a great paradox and mystery of faith.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.