Personal Thoughts

I shared a very personal thought with my husband on Saturday.  It was a thought that I was scared to share with anyone because I thought if anyone found out about it, they would think less of me.  However, I decided to share it with my husband because I knew that I could share anything with him, and he would accept me no matter what I told him.   

The problem arose when he turned around and told a couple of our relatives what I said on Sunday. It was a breach of my trust.  After all, how can you share the most intimate parts of yourself with someone when that person will share those parts of you without giving it a second thought?  And it wasn’t the first time he has done something like that to me.  I knew I would have one of those moments, when I looked at the person lying in bed next to me and wonder: who the hell did I marry?  I think this incident made me ask that question. 

My answer is that it all comes down to faith.  Either this man has been completely different than what I thought he was for over twenty-four years or he isn’t perfect and makes stupid mistakes sometimes.   It doesn’t make sense for someone to spend years and years investing in a marriage and building a life with me to just be someone else.  Instead, it makes total sense for him to be imperfect and make mistakes.  I have the utmost faith in him and even when he is imperfect, I can’t doubt his love for me.  Even if he hurts me, I know he would never do anything to intentionally hurt me.  I know him and my question about who I married is answered by faith in the one person that I vowed to love for the rest of my life.  He is the one person bound to me by God.   

This teaches me about how God sees me.  He knows who I am and He loves me.  He knows I am imperfect, and I make mistakes, but it doesn’t change how He loves me.  It doesn’t change how He is there for me or His ability to forgive me.  Even if I hurt Him or disappoint Him, He knows I have faith in Him.  I thank God every day for my husband, and I thank God every day for my faith. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.