Emerging from the Shadows

I emailed another writer, and he didn’t get back to me until today.  My email got lost in a sea of his work emails.  I’d like to think it happened for a reason.  Today, I have been feeling particularly down.  It feels like everything is going wrong this week.  My work computer is broken.  I keep having things going wrong at work.  My stomach has been upset.  My back has been hurting.  My head doesn’t feel right.  I also feel like there’s a negative presence around me. I am constantly looking just above my head thinking that there’s someone there. Maybe it is just shadows, but who knows?

Just when I feel lowest, I get a response to an email I wrote.  This writer tells me that what I wrote to him made a difference.  I don’t want to become a Tik Tok star or some celebrity on TV where I can reach millions of people because anything I had to say would be so superficial.  However, if I can make a difference in someone’s life by listening to them and letting them know that I hear them, then it makes me feel good.  It is so much better than millions of likes, followers, or whatever else they call it on social media. 

I never wanted attention when I decided to become a writer.  All I ever wanted was to share God’s message, even when I didn’t know what it was.  I just had faith that it would all work out.  I have never stopped having faith in God’s plan for me. 

When I have a string of bad days like I have had, I find myself just praying for God to guide me.   Then, something happens like this email, and it just deepens my faith that I don’t even have to know the plan, I just have to believe God will guide me.   It doesn’t matter how much my body hurts or if I am paranoid or if I am frustrated with the world, I know I can pray and He will show me how to keep going.  There’s not a doubt in my mind.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.