Respect and Harmony

I just came home and realized that my aunt took the laundry I was doing out of the dryer.  It wouldn’t be so bad except that they were dog beds and they had to be treated carefully.  She doesn’t have any respect for my husband or my things.  It makes upset because for the longest time, I lived with my mother, and she didn’t have any respect for me or my things.   She would come into my room whenever she wanted to, and she would do whatever she wanted with my things she wanted to. 

I had a queen bed, but she decided I had to have a waterbed.  Then, she decided I would be going back to a queen bed.  Every time she made a decision about it, she never consulted me she just did it.  She didn’t talk to me or ask me.  

Now that I have my own house with my husband, I am respectful of his things, and he is respectful of mine.   We don’t move things that belong to the other person.  We pay attention to each other’s personal space.  We want to live together in harmony.  However, my aunt doesn’t want to do that she wants everything to be her way and I HATE it because it isn’t her house.

She doesn’t show any respect for me or my things just the way my mother did.  And I don’t know how to handle it.  I pray to God to give my patience, understanding, and strength to deal with this situation. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.