
I wrote yesterday about the pointlessness of trying to ever get enough money, but it’s pointless to ever try to get enough of anything in life.  I’ll never have enough food.  No matter what I do, I am going to need more food each day.  It is the same thing with water.  There’s nothing of material value in this world that I’ll ever be able to have enough because at some point it’s never enough. 

Then, on the other side of the coin, I could spend every day of my life studying and trying to understand life and no matter what I did, I would never even come close to actually understanding anything at all.  No amount of wisdom or knowledge will ever be enough to make me know anything at all in comparison to God. 

It almost makes life seem pointless.  Almost like Sisyphus pushing a boulder up a hill only to have it roll down again and again for eternity.  Except I don’t think it is pointless. There aren’t many things I know to be true, but I do know some really amazing things that make my existence miraculous. 

First, human beings for all of our technology and medical innovations still cannot create life.   They always have to start with a living cell.  At some point, life started in one cell and grew and became more life.  That life has grown like some crazy virus or infection or whatever you want to call it and now every living thing on the earth has come from that one life.  I am connected to every life that has ever lived. I am connected to every life that is living, and I will be connected to every life that will ever live.  I am a part of all life on earth.  I belong to something much bigger than myself. 

Second, I don’t care what religion or belief system of person has.  It doesn’t matter what we believe about the deity that created us because regardless of what we believe about God it doesn’t change God.   Whatever attributes God has some deity created all of us.   That deity (or force if you are a scientist) connects all of us.  The fact that something caused all of us binds us together on this journey. 

Finally, I don’t care if a person is a serial killer, a psychopath, an asshole, or a saint.  Everyone at some point in their life has love change that life in some way or another.   People who never feel love probably were still loved, but they didn’t understand it.  In some way shape of form, at some point in everyone’s life, they experience love in some way.  Even a baby who only lives for a few seconds, if not from other human beings, can experience the glory of God’s love, at least that’s my hope.   We are all connected because we all want to feel loved and we all experience love in some form at some point in our lifetime.  And it’s bittersweet that in everyone’s life, the Creator’s love is there all the time, the person just has to accept it and yet so many people never do. 

I feel like my life isn’t pointless and is miraculous because while I may never truly understand everything and definitely won’t ever have enough of the creature comforts, I know that my love connects me to everyone and everything and that my connection isn’t something that last only while I am alive, it is something eternal that will connect me to all my brothers and sisters in Christ forever and will let me be a part of God’s love forever.  I don’t need to die and be granted eternal life when the miracle is already before me, in God, in love, in my part of life. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.