
Christians talk about greeting each other with peace and leaving each other with peace when they depart each other.  When I pray, my final thought is for God’s peace to reside in all of our hearts. 

I had a discussion with my husband about sitting still and meditating.  He had difficulty with it, but with my sense of discipline it comes much easier for me as long as I am not having a panic attack.  If I am having a panic attack, I understand exactly why my husband has difficulty.

I’ve noticed that whatever I have when I pray, when I meditate, or when I just contemplate life, it has been seeping into all the other parts of my life.  I feel a sense of peace inside of me that grows with my faith. 

I don’t feel peace because I have all the answers.  I feel peace because I surrender to God.  More than just surrendering, I trust God more and more each day.  I want to follow His commandments even when I don’t understand.  I want to take those leaps of faith and fall because I know that He won’t abandon me. 

In the past month, I have thought a lot about the past. Yet, every time I felt hurt or upset, I found that I could let it go.  I have found myself worried about the present, especially work, but each time, I found myself turning to God in prayer and letting it go.  When I think about the future, I find myself realizing that even if I feel anxious, I know I will be okay because God is with me.

I used to feel this tightness in my chest all the time.  It’s the anticipation of waiting for something bad to happen.  I still feel it sometimes, but not like before.  Before I would feel it almost all the time, every morning, every Sunday night, it was a constant familiar feeling.  Then, I started to write about my faith.  I began really thinking about surrendering control to God, trusting in Him, and believing in His presence in my life.  Slowly, I am coming into a peace in my heart.  It isn’t knowledge about God.  It isn’t a knowing or understanding.  It’s like an infection.  My spirit feels this peace entering and growing inside of me. Not because I know God, but because I believe in God. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.