
I’ve been thinking about morality and ethical issues as I am reading about the secret teachings of the ancients.  Human beings in the story of Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge and gained the knowledge to know the difference between right and wrong. However, what’s right and wrong is a value judgement.  It is very difficult in many circumstances to say what’s right and what’s wrong. 

People often forget that with laws, morality, and ethics that all these judgements even the ones found in sacred text, like the Bible, they are all human made.  Values are a construct created by human beings. 

The one amazing construct that humans made that I love is the Yin Yang symbol.  I love it because it illustrates how something can be two opposing forces at the same time.  I believe that God transcends all of our judgements and values.  He doesn’t see us as being right or wrong, good or evil, etc.   I am right and wrong.  I am good and evil.  I am perfectly imperfect. 

When it comes to all these moral and ethical issues, there are no answers.  There is only God.  I hope that one day I can get to a point where I understand the world just a fraction of the way God does.  It would be amazing to see without judging or at least to know that everything can be all at once.  No time. No space.  Total transcendence because the world just is, the universe is, I am, and God is.  Simply is.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.