Out of my Control

Yesterday, I had a difficult day.  Today seemed like it was even worse, but there was a difference.  Yesterday, I felt like I was fighting everything.  I was trying to control things that weren’t in my control, and I wasn’t paying attention to the things that I could control.   When I wrote my post last night that’s exactly what I wrote about and what I prayed for. 

Today, there were plenty of things that happened that could have caused me to be upset and angry, but I realized that all of them were out of my control.  I couldn’t do anything about any of them.  There wasn’t any reason to waste my time or energy getting upset.  I just let it go. 

Some of the things that were bothering me yesterday, I took a proactive role.  I changed the script not by trying to change the behavior of those people around me but changing my own behavior. 

I guess that’s the big lesson that the last two days have brought to me.  When the world around me is irritating and people are getting on my nerves, it is a waste of time to get angry and wish the world was different or that other people were different.  Instead the best course of action is to see how I can change and how by changing myself, I can make the world around me better.  After all, I shape my own reality. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.