Belief System

I have been contemplating my idea of God lately as I have been reading a book about secret societies through the ages.  All the symbols and ideas that were used in Christianity were already used in other religions and belief systems. I still believe that my purpose is to believe in the Christian God and that belief systems works for me. 

Yet, there’s something about many of the Judeo-Christian belief systems that I am not seeing in these other belief systems. The other systems felt that some people were ready to know certain deep secrets about life and the universe and others were not.  The other who weren’t ready would eventually become ready with time, patience, and learning, but these belief systems never asserted that knowing God was only for a select group of humans. Eventually, everyone could achieve some type of self-actualization or nirvana.  Yet in the Judeo-Christian tradition, it is very much a system that promotes the idea that God has a chosen people.  When the end of the world comes, only a select group will be saved. 

The whole idea never made any sense to me. How could an all-loving compassionate God create children and arbitrarily decide to save some of them and not others based simply where they were born and what religion they are?  He’d at least give us a chance to save ourselves, instead of making us guess which believe system was the “correct” one. 

I just can’t believe that my God would do that. After all, all the believe systems in the world, whether we want to admit it or not, were created by humanity.  I believe that the God that created us created all of us regardless of religion.  Once we realize that maybe we can realize that there’s no reason for us to have prejudices and hatred against certain groups because we are all God’s children.  There are no chosen ones. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.