Yesterday when I wrote my post, I had an epiphany and today I wanted to take time to revise it. All my life I have been thinking about the struggle of life as getting to the end and either getting into Heaven or getting into Hell. I finally realized that the end doesn’t really matter. It’s my life that matters and how I live it. I’m not going to spend my life and make my choices based on some reward or punishment at the end. I’m going to live my life trying to glorify God because He gave me a beautiful gift of life and whatever happens after I die will be okay because God won’t abandon me, and He will support me as long as I have faith.
The one part I continued to struggle with was as much as I wanted to please God and be a good person, I would always be flawed because I am a sinner and I’m not perfect. Yet, God doesn’t make mistakes. He made me not perfect. He made me a sinner. So, how does it work?
I realized it works like a tightrope walker. Life is about finding balance in all things. Finding balance isn’t something that you find once and you done, it is something that you do for the entire journey. A tightrope walker must find their balance with every move they make, every step, even every shift of their weight. They find that balance, and then they have to find it again and again until they reach the end of the rope. It doesn’t mean that they are a bad tight rope walker. It is just part of tight rope walking. Life is like that. We have to find balance over and over again. It every part of our lives. We continue to search for God’s guidance as we find our way on this long journey and it never ends until we die. Finding our balance doesn’t mean that we are flawed, it just means that’s the way life works. It’s the way of the world and the way God created us. It’s in His plan and I have faith in His plan.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.