Ancient Mysteries

I have been reading about secret and ancient mysteries.  The first thing I realize is that what I thought before is probably right.  No matter what religion or belief system it really doesn’t matter the same entity, creator, deity, or force created all of us.  We all come from the same place and more importantly, many of the beliefs we hold so dear actually come from the same place as well.  There are all these ancient texts and records that prove that, but some many people can’t handle that truth.  They would rather focus on our differences than realize that we are all brother and sisters of the same creator. 

The second thing that I have come to understand is that there has to be a balance in everyone’s life.  All these allegories about the great mysteries of life are about how human beings deal with the physical materialistic world and the spiritual psychic world.  I get the feeling that whenever one world overtakes the other in a person part of that person dies.  Part of being human on this earth is about having a balance.   I should never be too much in this physical world and I should never be too much out of it and only in the spiritual world.  There needs to be a balance.

 I never really thought about it before, but when I have a panic attack or getting too anxious, there’s an aspect of it where I am no longer living in the moment.  I am not longer feeling myself grounded in a physical space because feel the weight of all possible potential danger hanging over me.  When I feel like that, grounding myself and getting back in the moment helps me to feel better. 

I guess sometimes I get too much inside my own head and other people get too much inside of this world.  The balance gets thrown off and we just need help getting the balance back. I also think that’s why God is three persons in one God.  He understands being a deity, a man, and a spirit.  We are created in His image and constantly trying to find the balance between mind, body, and spirit. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.