I saw a movie today about faith. The most interesting part about it was the idea that people aren’t born with faith, instead it is something that they are taught. Now, I have to admit that most people are taught about religion and spirituality. However, in my own personal experience, from my very first memory, I knew that God existed. I have never known a time without God. My experience makes me believe that it might be possible that faith isn’t something that is taught.
I call it the universality, Jung called it the collective unconscious, and other people could call it whatever they want. For me, the universality is the spiritual part of the universe. It is where our spirit exists before we are born and where we return when we die. I believe that part of existence is so far removed from this physical plane that we can’t understand what it is like. Yet, I think there’s a part of us that can tap into it because it exists all around us, we just can’t sense it with our five senses. All those things that can’t be explained and all those things that seem to link us together are because of this unknown spiritual force. It’s something deep inside of all of us and we just experience it. Then, when we are born, all the physical and temporal worldly things get in the way. Some people remember their spiritual selves in lots of different ways with past lives, with psychic abilities, etc. Yet, most people just forget and get to be too much in this world. They need to be taught religion and spirituality.
I’m one of those people who forgot and became too much in this world, but I remembered one miraculous thing. I remembered that God exists. I wasn’t taught. I just know. As much as I know that I am alive and breathing, I know that a deity created me. That’s my faith. I’m not sure about too much else, but I know that much without doubt.
Even if someone proved that there’s no God, it wouldn’t change what I know. That’s because it isn’t about what can be proven in this physical scientific world. There’s a spirit inside of me that goes beyond this world and whatever happens that spirit is connected to God.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.