Today I was in the bathroom and my dog came in. She sat down on the bathmat and looked up at me as I washed my hands. I thought to myself I wonder if she ever thinks about what her life would be like if she had different owners. Then, it suddenly occurred to me that she wouldn’t do that because she’s a dog, but more importantly, she lives in this moment. She isn’t going to wonder about what could have been or what could be, she is going to live in right here and right now.
That made me think about the idea of how Jesus said we should come to God as little children. When I was a kid, I didn’t think too much about the what could have beens or what could bes. I lived in the moment. My parents weren’t the greatest, but I was blissfully unaware of it because I didn’t know any better. They were my world, and I thought my world was perfect. I wouldn’t want to go back to being ignorant and unaware, but to live in the moment and stop wondering about what could be and would have been that is a great goal. I don’t want to think anymore about what ifs in my life. My life is beautiful the way it is and most importantly it is the way it is because of God’s plan. Every good or bad thing that has every happened has led to this moment and I should be thankful for it all. I wouldn’t be me without all of it. I wouldn’t have the life I have.
I often say that comparing my life to someone else’s always goes badly. Well, I think I need to add to that, comparing my life to any other version of my own life always goes badly. I am here and that I am here is wonderful because God planned it. I have to accept that and be thankful for it. I am going to try my best to do that.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.