Keep Moving

Today I had a pitch session with a publisher.  It is a very short meeting to try to sell myself and my book.  Before it happened, my day went wrong.  I woke up feeling sick of my stomach and I am still feeling sick.   When I got up and went to the conference I am attending, I got an email from work and found out that a mistake was made.  About this time, I felt like the world was crashing down around me.  I didn’t know how to deal with all of it.  I wanted to cry. I actually did cry a little bit, but then I tried to let go of everything and give it to God. 

My pitch session went well.  The rest of the day went well even though I still felt sick.  I kept having to remind myself to just get up and keep moving.  I just needed to try.  I don’t know what the future will bring, but I do know that if I had just stayed in bed today feeling like I couldn’t do it, then I wouldn’t have experienced any of the bad or good things from today. 

I know that if I just get up and keep going, then I am already living.  God doesn’t care if I succeed, He cares if I live my life.   I hate to talk about Rocky Balboa, but it is this perfect metaphor.  It really doesn’t matter how many times you win, what matters is how many times life knocks you down and you keep getting back up again.   I know to keep getting back up again because God’s sitting in my corner.  I am forever grateful knowing that I have Him on my side.

I have written about my mom lately too. For years, I felt like I had a weight pulling on me keeping me down and I don’t feel that weight anymore.  Instead, I feel like I have the love of my family and friends, especially my husband, lifting me up.           

When my name was called for my pitch session, I felt like I didn’t walk in there alone.  I might have been anxious, but I knew not to be afraid.  God will never abandon me. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.