I just read about a controversial topic that seems outlandish to me. The concept is that God has a chosen people, and it doesn’t matter what a person does in their life because your good works and your faith won’t make a difference in whether or not you are saved. God has already just chosen a group of people that He is going to save and if you aren’t in that group, then you won’t be saved. The worst part is that there are Bible passages to back up this idea.
First, let’s take on the Bible passages. Although the Bible is the word of God. It is also the word of God written down by fallible men who can be insecure and can add passages that can be advantageous to their being able to stay in power. I cannot ever take anything that comes from the Bible at face value because human beings are fallible. They make mistakes.
Next, the idea of salvation was completely re-written with the story of Jesus and the New Testament. Jesus wasn’t up on the cross and saying, “Okay folks, now, as long as you are a Christian, white, and go to church every Sunday, I’m dying for your sins.” That’s not the story. When Jesus died, He took on the sins of the entire world: All of humanity for all time. He died for all of our sins. There weren’t any conditions.
And that’s my last point: God’s love is unconditional, but ideas like this one don’t take that into consideration. It’s like human beings don’t understand the concept of unconditional love. I don’t have to be chosen. I don’t have to be anything. I am and that’s it. There’s nothing more to it. Nothing I have ever done and nothing I will ever do can change His love for me. It doesn’t matter who I am, what I look like, what race or nationality I am. As long as I exist because He created me, I am loved because God loves me unconditionally. Nothing can change that love. Thank God for His love. It is the only true thing I have ever known. Even if everything else is stripped away, even if I lose my sanity, my life, or my family that love will never end. My faith tells me so. I just wish that I could share that idea of unconditional love with other people. I would love for the world to know that everlasting eternal love.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.