I watched a documentary about people with chronic illness and at the end they asked the people about what it would mean to be well. It made me wonder about the idea of living my best life. What does that really mean?
A few months ago, my husband and I went to a conference for his work. While he was at the sessions, I went exploring downtown Austin. While I was there, I backed into a street side parking space. For most people that’s not a big deal, but for me it was. My mom had brainwashed me into believing that I couldn’t do many things, simple things that most people do every day. When I get the courage to try and succeed in doing those things, I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I feel like a real person. I may not be solving the world’s energy crisis or finding a cure for cancer, but for me after what she put me through, backing into a parking space is a huge accomplishment.
Maybe what it means to live your best life is relative to who you are and what your life’s journey is. I am starting to believe that just like no one can really know what’s in a person’s heart, no one can really know what is the right path for someone else. I have to be true to myself and only God will know if I have done that. I don’t know if I am living my best life, but I do know that I am trying my best and I hope it is good enough.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.