
I remember when I was in my twenties, I felt hopeless most of the time.  I didn’t think my life was worth much. I thought that there wasn’t much point to my living and that I should just try to survive because God hadn’t called me yet.  I think my point of view on life was very bleak and in a way sinful because I didn’t understand the gift that I had been given.  I took the gift of life for granted and I didn’t ever thank God for any of it.  I acted like a privileged spoiled child to be honest. 

In recent days, I look back at those times and my life now.  I know I haven’t done any world changing endeavors and at over fifty years old I might never do anything that changes the world, but I have done something that changed my life.   I have dedicated my life to God and being the best person that I can be even when that means facing difficult truths.  I realize that means I have to accept the person who was ungrateful for the gift of life and blind to so much all around her.  By accepting that person, I can also accept the person I have become today, and I have hope that the person I will grow into in the future.  I hope that above all else I will continue to keep God at the center of my life, I will remember to love others as I have come to love myself, and I hope I will always remember to be thankful for every second of my stupid little life.

My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.