I started to write my blog in January of 2017 and now it is May of 2023. That is over six years of writing every day. Some days I have no problems coming up with something to write and others I need some help. Sometimes, I don’t want to write because I am not feeling good or because it is a holiday, but I end up writing anyway. I began writing because I wanted to get practice and develop a presence for myself on the Internet, but this blog has turned into something else. It has turned into a weird sort of prayer journal.
I think that’s why I continue to do it every day. There may not be something to write about every day in my stupid little life, but there is always something to pray about. Recently, I’ve wondered if maybe I should give up and devote more time to my other writing. Every time, I know deep inside that there’s always time for me to take a few minutes out of my day and reflect on my faith journey with God. It’s the most important thing in my life.
I’ve written about having coincidences or signs that let me know that I am on the right path. Since my mother’s death, I kept waking up early in the morning. I don’t know why it is happening. I don’t think it is like insomnia. It isn’t like I am waking up at two or three in the morning and not being able to fall back asleep. I am just waking up a hour before I normally would. However, I keep having another reoccurring event as well. Right before I fall asleep, I feel this wonderful warm tingling sensation all over my body and I feel a sense of overwhelming peace. It sort of reminds me with I take strong CBD gummies for my migraines except this feeling doesn’t feel suffocating. I think to myself I wish that the CBD gummies made me feel this way. I’m not sure what the feeling is, but I am grateful for it and I can’t help thinking that the feeling is letting me know that I am in the right place at the right time.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.