What it’s About

I saw a video on the Internet today that said some movie endings were misinterpreted the first time viewers saw them.  The video suggested that the movies were about something completely different than what viewers thought they were about.  I had a difficult time with some of the interpretations that they suggested because I really wanted the movie to be what I wanted it to be.  However, looking back on it now within a few hours, I realize that it’s a great metaphor for life.

We get so caught up in life and what we think it is supposed to be about, we get lost.  My best example is the border crisis.  We are so worried about people crossing an imaginary line that marks where Mexico and the United States have borders and all the implications of people crossing that line.   And yes, of course, it is an important matter, but in the end, it is a man-made line and a man-made problem.  In God’s eyes, there are no nations, we are all the same and these are just people coming to us asking for help.  I know that is a very simple way to put it, but if we stop worrying about what these people want to take and start considering what they offer and the opportunities that they bring, then the situation would be something completely different.  After all, just a little over a hundred years ago, my own grandmother sought asylum in United States fleeing Mexico because of war. 

I have learned lately, to stop fighting life. Let life happen and see where it takes me. Instead of worrying about fear, I have learned to rely on God.  I still have anxiety all the time, but when I find myself feeling afraid about things, I just have to remind myself to give that up to God and follow His commandments.  Whatever lies ahead for me, it’s in God’s hands.  His hands are capable, and His plan is good.  I don’t need to know the plan or what’s in store for me.  All I need to know is God is with me.  I’ll never be lost if He guides me.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.