
I talked to my husband about my post yesterday.  He told me that God looks at us as being filled with unlimited potential.  When I wake up in the morning, the world is waiting for me, I could choose to stay in bed in my house away from the world sequestered away and doing nothing with my life.  Or I could let myself be open to all the possibilities that this world has to offer.  I could get out of bed and take action. 

I could tell myself that the world is a scary place filled with dangerous people and evil situations or I could tell myself that the world is filled with miracles and potential for so much. And yes there’s evil out there, but isn’t it worth the chance if there’s so much beauty in the world as well?

Today as I was walking into a grocery store with my husband, I saw a man walking to his car.   He had on sunglasses, and I couldn’t see his eyes, but I feel like I caught his gaze.  I’m not sure if I was smiling, but I usually am.  As he passed us, he wished us a good day.  Just one small gesture, a glance made a difference in this man’s life enough for him to believe that someone noticed him. 

If I approach life believing that life is full of potential, then my belief that anything is possible with God will begin to manifest itself in my life.  If I start to believe in myself and in life as much as I believe in God, then who know what will happen?  I just know it will be amazing.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.