
There are stories that we tell ourselves about the world and then there are stories we tell ourselves about who we are.  Both of these types of stories are very powerful. 

The stories my mother told me about the world were that it was an extremely dangerous place filled with people who wanted to hurt me or at the very least take advantage of me.  I had to be on my guard at all times with everyone and in every situation.  I have learned to tell myself different stories about the world. Yes, there’s lots of evil in the world and I can get hurt fairly easy, but if I look with open eyes and an open heart, then I can find God’s miracles out in the world as well.  The world shouldn’t be a scary place.  The world is a miraculous place filled with wonder and light. 

The stories my mother would tell me about myself were that I was a naïve person who although strong and smart, I wasn’t enough. I didn’t love her enough.  I wasn’t smart enough to take care of myself.   I never was enough in her eyes to be a complete person.   And I hate to admit it, but sometimes that is my greatest limitation.  I believe that I have limits.  I think that I am just not enough.  And just like the way I see the world, I want to change the way I see myself.  When God looks at me, He doesn’t see where I end, He only sees where I can begin.   He doesn’t see me right now in the moment and judge how much I love, He sees all the love that is possible if only I open my heart.   He doesn’t see all my failures and missteps; He sees everything I do and know all my potential and possibilities if I just open my eyes and try.   So, instead of telling myself stories where I have limits and want to achieve goals, I want to tell myself stories about who I really am and being able to live my best life as that person.  When I start to live like that person, then maybe all the things I know are possible with God will be open to me even more. I know that will be.  I have faith in that.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.