I have been reading different myths and legends about stories of creation. I find it interesting all the different stories about the creation of man. I have read stories saying man was created from clay, wood, and corn. I have read that woman was created from the rib of man. There’re all kinds of different stories.
Then, almost by coincidence, my husband told me something today. He said he thinks there are two types of people. Some people are created of clay and some are created of coal. The people who are created of clay have parents who mold and shape them into really amazing human beings because they treat the kids wonderfully, they believe in the children, and they have a vision about who their children can be. The people who are created of coal, have the abusive parents and live under the pressure of that abuse. Some of them crack and go on to become abusive broken people themselves, but some of them live under that pressure and one day break free and become diamonds.
I loved the metaphor. It was a beautiful way to look at the world. I wondered what I believed about the creation of man. First, I thought about the idea of ashes to ashes and dust to dust. However, that seemed too simplistic. Then, I realized that we are created from energy. When I get hooked up to an EKG or EEG machine, those machines can monitor electric activity in my body that never stops, even when I am asleep. The only time that it goes away is when I die. That energy is me and I don’t believe that when I die, it just stops. I think it leaves my body. When God or the creator or whatever you want to call it, made humans, animals, plants the building blocks of that first life was energy. I also believe that was the building block of the universe and everything else around us. It is all around us all the time. I just need to close my eyes and I can feel it all around me. If I go outside and feel the suns rays, I am feeling the power of energy. If I hug my husband and feel his heartbeat close to mine, I am feeling the power of energy. It connects us all. Before all the physical parts of me get put together, my spirit, my life, and my energy all existed, and they are eternal. I have faith in that because it is the one thing we cannot create. With all of our scientific discoveries and understandings, we cannot make life. We cannot even make energy out of nothing. Only God knows.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.