God Transcends

I watched a comedian last night who joked about gender fluidity.  She said that instead of gender being seen as a binary system, it should be seen as something more dynamic as a spectrum where male is at the far end and female is at the other end.  I am not going to say that is right or wrong, I believe everyone should live their life according to who they are and their final judgement isn’t mine to make. 

What I do want to address is that lately I see over and over again, people trying to take binary systems and wanting to say they fit on a spectrum.  There’s the gender spectrum, the autism spectrum, etc.  The problem with spectrum’s is that they still take a binary idea and place the two binary elements at opposite ends of the spectrum.  It’s like people can’t understand that the idea of the binary elements in and of itself is flawed.  All these people who want so much to be free of these old binary ideas are still clinging to the idea of a binary system, they just want to express it in a different way. 

When I contemplate God, I realize that all theses binary systems that humans have created to understand their world are just the dualities that I have been discussing for several years now.  If it isn’t male, then it must be female.  If it isn’t sad, then it must be happy.  We create these definitions and words to help us understand, but they are just illusions.  They only exist in our minds.  God transcends these things.  He doesn’t see binary systems.  He doesn’t see spectrums.  He sees everything and everyone all at once, without judgement or classification.

God is.  He is without any classifications or qualifications or exceptions.  And the truth of who I am is that I am not a specific gender, I am not a nationality, an ethnicity, a race or anything else.  I don’t fit on any of these spectrums.   In God’s eyes, I am. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.