I just had a weird crazy idea. It is Saturday morning and every Saturday, I weigh myself. I do it because it helps me gauge how I am doing with my weight loss plan. I gain weight and sometimes I lose. I feel good one week, and I get upset and cry every once in a while. I realized this morning that my weight loss journey is very much like my faith journey.
I am never going to reach a goal weight. I know that may sound unhealthy at first, but it’s true. Even if I reach what should be an ideal weight for me. Soon or later, I am going to gain or lose weight and I will need to try to get back to that goal weight. I have done it before. There’s no perfect weight. There’s only trying to get to that perfect weight all my life. And it is the same thing with faith. I am never going to be a perfect person, not even close. I’ll never reach Nirvana. I’ll never be the ideal person that God sees when He envisioned what I could be. However, the important part is that I can try my entire life to become that person.
Just like my weight loss journey, where I have good weeks and bad weeks, my faith journey has bad times and good times too. There are weeks when I am filled with peace and love and when I feel strong. Those are the times when I know miracles can happen and God is near. I don’t doubt God at all. Then, there are times when I am crying and lost. I feel like I am just barely hanging on. I just pray for God to find me and lead me out of the darkness. And although I know He will (He always does), there’s always a little doubt in the back of my mind that I am going to be stuck in this darkness forever.
The most amazing coincidence for me is that I will be on this weight loss journey my entire life. It won’t end until the day I die and then, when I leave my body, although I don’t know what happens, I know that I my journey will be over. It is going to be the same with my faith journey. My faith journey last my entire life. It last until I breathe my last breath. When I leave my body, that journey will be over. I don’t know what happens, but whatever it is I’ll be with God because He is always with me.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.