Life Started Here

I heard a news report recently that lonely jobs make for the most miserable workers.  I thought it was interesting because the pandemic caused me to transition into being a remote worker.  I don’t see my boss or co-workers very often.  My workmates are my dogs.  I don’t really mind it that much.  It is a great relief to me to not have to deal with others energy on a daily basis with my OCD and anxiety.

However, I do see the point.  God didn’t make man to be a solitary being even with animals around.  That’s what the Bible story of Genesis is all about when God takes a rib from Adam and creates Eve.  It isn’t so much that He takes a rib from a man and creates a woman, in my opinion.  He takes a rib from a human being to create another human being. We are all part of one another.  I find it so ironic that with all our scientific knowledge of DNA, genetic manipulation, etc. the one thing we can’t do, the one thing we aren’t even close to being able to do is taking the building blocks of life and creating life when there was no life before. 

It’s a miracle.  At some point, life started here.  We have no idea exactly when or where, but whenever and wherever it started, that first life yielded the rest of the plants, animals, and human beings.  It really doesn’t matter what religion or belief system a person has. The truth is all life on earth comes from other life.  There’s no being on earth that has the knowledge to create life from the inanimate.  That means that every living plant, animal, and human are all connected to every other plant, animal, and human that ever lived, that is alive, and that will ever live.   We are all connected in a very real sense.  We all belong to one huge family and yet most of us take it for granted.  I have to admit that until this day, writing about it, I really didn’t truly understand it myself. 

I thank God for all my brothers and sisters in Christ and for all living things that have come to past, all that are alive now, and all that will be.  We are all connected and the life that flows through my body right now is the same life that has been and will somehow continue until the end of the world.  It is one of God’s greatest miracles that I didn’t see until today. 

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.