I have been reading about myths and legends. There are several creation myths that differ from the creation story in the Bible, but there are also elements that are the same. It leads me to question whether or not every story in the Bible is true. Did everything happen exactly the way it is told in the book? Does it really matter?
For the longest time, I have told myself that I believed that the story of Jesus is true, but the rest of it may not be historical fact and I am okay with that. However, today, I realized that if I say that the Bible is a source for spiritual truth and not historical fact, then it applies to all of the Bible not just what I choose.
There probably was a man named Jesus who lived 2000 years ago. I don’t know much more than that about the historical Jesus, but I really don’t need to know history. What I do need to know is spirituality. Even if everything in the Bible isn’t historical, it doesn’t change the spiritual truth that I have found within the pages. Even if historical Jesus wasn’t the Son of God, it can’t change my own faith in God.
After all, we try to understand God and our place in the universe through religion, myth, and our stories, but God isn’t about proven facts. God is about feelings and the world beyond. I knew about God before I understood much anything about the world. It didn’t come from an understanding about the physical world or about religion. Instead it came from a place deep within me where my soul resides. It’s that place where time and space don’t matter anymore and where I know that I can transcend everything around me. It’s why I have felt just a little off all my life; like an alien. I know that there’s more beyond what I can sense with my five senses. I can’t prove it; I just have always known it.
So, even if there was no Jesus or Bible, it wouldn’t matter to me. There’s a reason why all the stories and myths are common, we are all connected by something beyond our five senses. I can feel it somehow. I’ve known about it all my life. It’s God and I have faith.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.