I talked to a friend about the consecration of the host at mass. He didn’t understand it and I didn’t think it was my place to convince him of my faith. However, it did make me think about my own understanding.
In the early days of the church, right after the crucifixion, there wasn’t a mass. Followers of Jesus got together and had a meal. They remembered Jesus and reenacted the Last Supper. At some point, the Catholic church decided that whatever miracle Jesus performed then, would be reenacted at all masses. I don’t really know how the host and the wine becomes the Body and Blood of Jesus, but I’m not sure how the bread and wine at the Last Supper became the Body and Blood of Jesus either. I do know one thing though. The Bible says that if I have enough faith, then I can do anything and miracles will happen. In whatever way Jesus transformed those objects, I believe that happens for me when I receive communion. If I have that faith, then it becomes my reality.
And maybe the miracle isn’t that the host and the wine change as much as it is the my faith is the actual miracle. I don’t know how much of the Bible is actual fact and it really doesn’t matter. For me, the only truth that really exist is that there’s a God who is a creator of everything. He loves me and has been with me forever and will continue to be with me forever. Everything else is just my faith in God. And when I believe, miracles can happen.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.