Shaping Our World

I know I don’t think like most humans because I often hear people using the idea of “deserve”.   Things like “I deserve to have a good life” or “He doesn’t deserve to be treated that way.”   There’s this line from a movie that goes something like “Deserve has nothing to do with it.”   Maybe it’s an American thing where we all have some weird sense of entitlement or a Christian thing where we believe that living a good life entitles us to deserving good things.  I don’t know where it comes from, but it just doesn’t make sense to me.

It feels almost as if we are trying to shape the world into how we wish it would be. If you are bad, then bad things will happen to you.  If not in this life, then in the next.  If you are good, then good things will happen to you. If not in this life, then in the next.  Why? Because that’s what you deserve. It would be great, if the world was just and fair like that, but it just isn’t.  Bad guys win and get away with doing horrible stuff.  Evil exist.  Sometimes karma works and sometimes it doesn’t.  And we really have no idea what happens when we die. 

I wish sometimes that we could live in a world where everyone got what they deserved. Except when I write that sentence, I realize that I really don’t want that wish to come true at all. A world where we truly got what we deserved as imperfect humans constantly making mistakes and missteps would probably be hell on earth.  I’d much rather live in a world where God’s will took place.  I know that in this world life isn’t fair, justice isn’t always reached, evil exists, and pain and sorrow abound, but His love for us created this world and we have free will to make this world whatever we want.  God believes in us and maybe one day we might come close to getting it right.  There’s always hope.   Until then, I will continue to pray for His will to be done.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.