
There was a moment in my life when I think I felt God more than other times and it was in an unusual place and circumstance.  This overzealous intake counselor and a county facility tried to get me into their psych ward and while I was waiting, they put me into this place where I was with a police officer, and two older men who weren’t in their right minds.  I knew that I couldn’t leave the building and was locked inside.  I was afraid that if I really acted up that almost anything could happen to me including being put into a straight jacket and locked in a padded room.  So, instead I just sat there and cried. 

As I cried, I started to realize something that no matter how bad everything felt I was going to make it to the next moment and then the moment after that.  My life was going to continue whether I liked it or not and at that very moment, I felt the presence of God.   I knew that I wasn’t in control of my own life, He was.  He would decide whether I lived or died.  I still struggle with this lesson, but I realized that day that He is with me every moment of my life.  I can strive to be the best person I can be, but He is in control and it is His will and His plan.  Once I stop fighting against that and surrender to it, life feels a little easier. 

I got to say just a little easier.  Life is a struggle, and it is difficult, but God’s there. I know that whenever I have difficulties in life, I can give it to God.  It might still hurt and be difficult, but knowing and feeling His presence gives me strength and comfort.  I know that God will never make me face something I can’t handle.  I know He is on my side always.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.