Glory Be

There was this special day when I was dating my husband before he had even asked me to marry him.  We were together at his place and I looked over at him and I thought to myself for just a moment, “So this is what it is going to be like for the rest of my life.”  In that moment, I just knew that his face was the face that I would be looking at for the rest of my life.   I wasn’t surprised or disappointed.  I really didn’t feel like it was a revelation, it was almost like a long-gone memory was surfacing and I was just remembering something that I already knew.

My husband and I have had our ups and downs from that day.  I have questioned several times who in the world is this man that I married, but I have never even considered for a single second leaving him. Being married to him just felt like it was always meant to be. 

There’s been other times in my life when things just seemed to fall into place. I felt like I just knew what was supposed to happen or how things were supposed to be.  Not an ESP sort of thing or anything like that.  Just a feeling like a memory surfacing from long ago as if things have always been they was they are now. 

It reminds me of a prayer.  The Glory Be.  The part that I am thinking of says “As it was in the begin is now and every shall be world without end.”  I get the feeling that somehow there are things in life that I already know and I just need to surrender to God and they will rise to the surface.  I didn’t need anyone to tell me that my husband was the one.  Somehow I already knew. I guess the hard part is letting go enough to let everything rise to the surface.  I have the impression that most people aren’t even aware that everything is connected and if there are those that do, they struggle to quiet their minds and let go enough to let the universe in.  I know I have barely scraped the surface, but I am willing to try to learn.  I hope that God will guide me.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.