I have written often that I can’t compare my life or my journey to anyone else. I never really knew why, I just knew that when we make comparisons it just leads to bad things. Today, as I was walking around my house, I found myself contemplating how everyone is different, we all have different lives, different bodies, etc. Then, suddenly I realized why comparison never works and is such a bad idea. I felt like a rock hit me on the top of my head because the idea just seemed so simple and obvious. Yet I had never understood it until today.
If we are all connected, then we are all one somehow. If I compare myself to my brother. Then, either way, I am building up a part of myself and putting down another part of myself because after all, my brother is a part of me. Whenever I compare myself to another no matter what the comparison is, I will always end of feeling bad about myself because I am trying to say that one part of the universality that I am part of is better than another part of it. It would be as silly as saying my index finger is better than my ring finger. How could I even think it? Both fingers are part of the same hand. Just the same, all my brothers and sisters belong to me the same way. They are a part of me just as much as I am a part of them. The rest of this beautiful world belongs to me as I belong to it. There’s never a reason to compare a thing unto itself.
Instead of having this us verses them attitude about the world, I wonder what the world would be like if we all understood that we are all one. There’s something interesting I learned this week. Scientists think that if there are aliens that they will have DNA, too. Because DNA is the building block of life in this universe. Here’s my thought, if every living thing we have ever encountered has DNA, including us, doesn’t that prove that we have more in common that we have different? Every single living thing on Earth and probably beyond has DNA. For me, it’s like a great big sign saying, “All of you are connected. I made you that way for a reason.” Maybe we should pay attention.
My faith saved me. May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.