Universal Connection

I am beginning to believe in a universal connection that brings all of us together.  Yet when I see people all around the world and how different our lives can be, it is sometimes difficult to understand how we can all come from the same place.  How can I ever understand the life of a ISIS terrorist half a world away much less find love in my heart for a man that would want to kill me if I stood before him?

I’m not sure if I am meant to understand, but I think I can find love and I realize that we come from the same place through faith.   It sort of how I feel about God’s plan.  I don’t have to know His plan.  I just need to have faith in it.  In the same sense, I don’t need to totally understand all my brothers and sisters in Christ, I just need to find God’s love for them in my heart.  I just need to believe that we come from the same place and we are connected. 

I struggle every day with the part of the Bible where Jesus says to “turn the other cheek”. I still can’t believe He would want me to keep being hit, but maybe it means that we are all family connected by this universality.  Even if I set boundaries to protect myself from dysfunctional family members, they’ll still always be my family. I can’t change that.  Maybe that’s what it is all about.  No matter what choices people make in life they can’t deny this universal connection that we all have and as long as that exist, then I have reason to love them. I have reason to try to feel a connection to them no matter who they are because we all walk similar paths on this Earth.   

I pray  that God helps to understand how different all of our lives are and yet that somehow we are all His children.   I hope that I have the strength and faith to love my brothers and sisters as He commands and to feel that universal connection that exists throughout the cosmos and transcends space and time.   I am so grateful to God for giving me my life and all the wonderful experiences that go with it.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.