Universal Connection

I have been thinking about a story idea for several days now.  Then, today it just came to me almost like it was meant to be.  The whole premise just flooded my mind.  I’m amazed at how that happens.  I guess a scientist could explain that it is just the right chemical reactions in the brain all lining up in the right order at the right time.  Maybe it could be that.  I’d like to believe it is something else.

Before I would want to believe that somehow I would just be finding the right story and the right time.  However, lately, I am realizing that every one of us is connected. I think when I get these moments of inspiration, I am just tapping into that universal connection and finding a part of myself and the rest of us that has this story.  At least the potential for the story that I could tell.  If I have the courage to take that story and share it with others, then maybe I and my brothers and sisters in Christ can know that although we walk unique paths, we aren’t walking alone.  We are connected to something universal.   We are connected to God somehow.  Maybe that’s why even though my stories are about horror, they also speak to something the connects everyone: fear.   We all know what it feels like, and we all struggle with it.

Maybe that’s why I struggle with anxiety and pain.  The difficult sensations in life aren’t meant to be avoided.  They are meant to be experienced.  They are part of the gift of life.  That’s one of the most difficult lessons to learn.  I don’t think God wants us to experience fear, evil, and pain, but He loves me enough that He allows it to happen.  I have faith enough to learn from it. At least, I hope I have the courage and strength to do so.

My faith saved me.  May God’s peace reside in all of our hearts.